I'm not short, I'm just compact and ridiculously adorable. Born to be real, not perfect. Take these broken wings and learn to fly Instagram
Kiss me hard before you go
• colleen
• melissa
• xiaxue
• serene
• caroline
• mintrose
Levine MohxyCreate Your Badge bygones
Layout made by tkh. Removing any credit is shunned upon. Please keep credits intact, only dummies would remove them. You aren't a dummy right?
Add your end of the disclaimer here, be nice, firm, assertive etc etc yada yada yay blogging. |
Since google took over Blogger which made me struggled on linking my new laptop to this blog. Thus i gave up and moved to wordpress. I'll leave this blog as it is because i couldn't bear to delete it :( Bye for now, here and see you guys there~ Like you will even care HAHA