Capricorn baby, l e v i n e
I'm not short, I'm just compact and ridiculously adorable.
Born to be real, not perfect.
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
Kiss me hard before you go
Levine Mohxy
 Create Your Badge
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Disney movies always taught me something and this movie, Maleficent didn't failed to do so.
"Sometimes those who love us the most are those who do so from behind the shadows.
Acts of love come in different shapes and sizes, like the people who carry them out. Many times we are loved by someone who is behind the scenes, who isn’t in the spotlight, who doesn’t take credit, but nonetheless guides us and cares for us. As we grow, it is important to learn to recognize these invisible hands, this blessing, and be grateful for it."
"There is no such thing as love at first sight.
At long last, Disney is sending out the right message, after years of telling us that you can meet a person and fall totally and completely in love in a matter of mere seconds. You can claim to be attracted to a person you have just met, but this is something that cannot be confused with love, although it can constitute a stepping stone towards it.
The Prince’s kiss did not work because love is never a spur of the moment thing. Love develops with time, and comes from knowing the other person, of gazing into their souls, not just their pretty faces."
So it wasn't love that i thought?..