![]() I'm not short, I'm just compact and ridiculously adorable. Born to be real, not perfect. Take these broken wings and learn to fly Instagram
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Day 1, 2 & 3 - JEJU ISLANDI will not ever ever forget this flight experience. The turbulence was HORRIBLE. THROUGH OUT THE ENTIRE FLIGHT JOURNEY HOLY SHIT. Afew mins after taking off, the plane was like roller coaster, no, worst than roller coaster. It's literally dropping, you know the feeling you got when you're dropping down from a roller coaster? YES. But this is plane, double the scary compared with roller coaster. I thought i was going to die and I'm scared to death.. The moment the plane started to shake my heart stopped again. So through out the flight i wasn't able to close my eye and sleep peacefully. Eventually i felt nausea for the whole day TT So the first day wasn't that pleasant for me..
Got this two drinks when I chanced upon their convenience store. Their banana milk jjang!!
First stop One Mount Snow Park.
Sledge dogs!! How i wish i could play with them u__u
This was the place where Junu challenged himself to bungee jump in The Return Of Superman!
First meal in Korea which was also the most heavy one. We ordered two size of this because the menu stated that this size, medium was served for 4 pax as we have 8 pax so we ordered two. When it came out, everyone thought we are pigs that eat this much urgh. But it was really good so i wouldn't mind to eat this till i die.
In the late night, young punks came out for sports. can't stop staring sorry
First ddeokbokki i tried and it's damnit spicy. You can know judging on how red it is lor
Me and my bro failed to climbed up this mountain so we gave up halfway and go eat ice cream muahaha
Iichul Land which was featured in Running man~
We had this for lunch and it was yummy. Sorry to say that. I'm very thankful for you, trust me. I eat what i love, so inhuman....
The Micheon cave that kwangsoo found the treasure.
Awkward me with my awkward wings...
My hair was terrible after i took out my cap so i desperately need something to cover
The place where Sarang's parents came to eat on The Return Of Superman! It was so packed and so sad i couldn't try this.. NEXT TIME.
Day 4,5,6,7 & 8 - SEOUL
DOWN TO SEOUL! Compared to jeju, seoul is more suitable for me. More shopping, more handsome guys and more food!!
EVERLAND. Tried only 3 rides here despite the fact that this park was double the size of USS. We spent all of the time q-ing for the rollercoaster.. Sian. But worth it!
This day was the happiest for me because I challenge myself to got on a 90 degree drop roller coaster and that was the best 30 secs of my life. It was literally 90 degree straight down! My butt was in the air and there was no stop for you to catch your breathe. Once it drop, you got up and drop down again. Fucking fun. I opened my eye for the first time on coaster rides and it's the best one. The real definition of roller coaster man.. Me and cousin was looking at the drop and think, Got 90 degree meh? Tsk say only. BUT WHEN WE GOT UP, SAW THE STEEP WE'RE GOING DOWN, GONE CASE. THIS IS FUCKING 90 DEGREE.The past roller coaster i got on was NOTHING. I felt that i'm braver after that. More roller coaster rides to come!! Those who visit Everland this is the ride you MUST try, this matter the most. (Got this picture from google as mine was covered by a tree -.-)
Super cute giraffe popcorn container!!
Took the skyride or whatever they call to the Safari~
Gyeongbok Palace.
Our supper place for two days continuously as it was just opposite our hotel. Tried another place nearby but eventually we came back to this one. Their ddeokbokki was the best I've tried so far!!
Family 9's selfie at the Shinheungsa Temple
Went to Daegwallyeong Wind Village for cheese making and sheep feeding. Their sheep was oh so adorable and they like haven't eat for years? They all chiong when someone tried to feed them and they are very very strong.
Can he even see? Maybe he need some hair wax yo.
Sheep also don't dare to go near wahpiang but still i manage to be this close okay.
Tumblr feel you mei you?
Dandelion!! First time holding it even though it was on my back for nearly a year (if you know)
Probably this was the nicest picture he took in his whole life.
The view of the entire hotel land from the tower. It was damn big. We spent 2 hours walking to their estate and back. Though it looked near from upper view but no.
The place jaewan almost pushed the bastard down the tower
This poor glass who got hit by jaewan
Their reception!!! Was waiting for all the people to be cleared and when I'm about to snap, a whole group of ahtiongs came in -.- Forget it lor... tsk
The interior of the room. This is my favorite out of all the hotels we stayed~ *please ignore my bro derp face*
They have this photo zone area too and we spent like 10-15 mins there admiring them even though it was just.... cardboard. See the painting at the back!? Yea there's really a boat.
来帅哥我们一起 selfie!
Ah mo ne's garden~~
See the boat? Aligning the stone wall. Don't dare to jump down and open the box hahaha
Someday's lunch. Food picture's credit goes to Xavier as I didn't really took any picture of the food :/
I'm the daughter for joseon's minister. IGNORE MY AWKWARD HANDS AH >_<
The best bibimbap!!
The best seafood pancake!!!!!!
The past and the present.
Even though I don't find alcohol that fancy at all but this rice wine, I LOVE IT. But the aftereffect.. feels like my head weight a hundred tons.
Supper again.. Basically everyday.
Bukchon Hanok Village~
MYEONGDONG!! Got so much cosmetics here instead of clothing. Basically i spent about SGD200+ on cosmetics. But if i got the same things in sg, it'll cost me like SGD300+? The price of cosmetics in Korea was really cheap but their clothing was expensive. After some while of shopping, my aunts and bros are going back with the tour but i wanted to shop more thus i went to find my cousin at some salon myself. They sent me the directions but i don't expect myself to got there "safely" or in time as I'm someone who couldn't read the map or remember the routes so at some point i gave up and ask people for directions. I approached two ladies who're in their 20s and without any hesitant they looked for the map in their phone. I'm relived as they didn't ignored me because I'm not their home people. You know, some people will siam you if they don't know your language or whatsoever. After looking at it, they told me to go together. Of cos i was shocked, why would they spent their time walking back again for me? And i asked if it was okay? They said they had alot of time as they're waiting for their friend.. While walking they even thank me for "finding" stuffs for them to kill time. Whoa... I met two angels while I'm at a moment of getting lost sia I'm so touched that i wanted to hug them so badly but I should maintain my cool. So yep, thank god for them <3 nbsp="" p="">
Selfie in the bus while waiting for others..... Featuring my neck pillow heh.
That's all!!! A very long post indeed. On the day when i touched down, i felt emptily sad. Why? Beats me. Cube cafe, Namsan Tower and many many more I'll be back again!!! Overall this was a really good trip. The tour guides were good, company was good, shopping was good and nuff said for the food. Korean cuisine never goes wrong. Anyeong! 3> |