![]() I'm not short, I'm just compact and ridiculously adorable. Born to be real, not perfect. Take these broken wings and learn to fly Instagram
![]() ![]() ![]() Kiss me hard before you go
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Levine Mohxy![]() Create Your Badge bygones
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Many many stuffs happened in March. My internship with SATS ended, I graduated (still unofficial), My grandpa was sick, I cried, I laughed, I read, I applied for poly, i grew my nails like finally? Once in the history i got long nails, etc. Speaking of poly... I wasn't sure if I'm on the right path, making the right choices. I've never ever thought or going into poly or I've never been seriously thinking what i should do with my life i don't know. But clearly, I doesn't thought poly was my thing. After getting motivated by my friends and since I've already came this far, why not i go further to secure myself a place in this society. It suck to not have a vision of what i want to be in the future.. In fact, "future" doesn't comply on me. It was rather, darkness. Now i live for the sake of living, 走一步看一步. Most of the days i stayed home since no one really ask me out and money was being a bitch. So i was asked to do almost every chores in the house. Am i made to do all this? Well of cos, I'm willing to help since my mom works i don't but i don't see fairness in this. It was always me, me and me. For those things my mom doesn't satisfied in I'm the one to blame, for things that were not done I'm the one to blame. Am i the only one living in this house? Sometimes i don't even bother to say "It's not me". Because being silent and getting blamed was easier. It's frustrating.. To the point where i doesn't want to come back here and loiter anywhere.. Someone bring justice to me. I miss every single days we had during our secondary school days.. I know I've been saying this for like decades but i really wish to get back to those days. Because now.. We're pretty much damaged. All of us has our own reason to be busy thus we're not meeting frequently and that leads us to.. leaving. It's depressing. I came to realize that number of years together doesn't matter. It was when any one build a wall, others tried to climb it but couldn't because it was too high and gave up then that't it. But no one's giving up. We'll keep climbing and save you out, save us. Can we..... Do this? If you could just knock a little of your wall down for us.. If you could. How i wish i could get on the plane and go anywhere alone right now. Coz right now, I'm tired and i don't care. |