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I went to Bugis street to shop for my cny ootds and I'm really irritated by some inconsiderate singaporean shoppers. I believe you all know how small all bugis street's store are right? Here are some I could remember: 1 - Girlfriend shopping boyfriend watching. This is the most irritating out of all the points. Ya call my jealous call my envious but please, if the store were small enough don't stand there and taklor can?! I understand girls want to wear something their bf would love but did you thought about other people who wanna shop too? And that guy knows he's blocking and he's embarrassed i can see BUT HE STILL DOESN'T MOVE, HE CONTINUE TO BLOCK ME. I don't understand.. are you afraid that your gf would scold if you moved out? dang.. don't make me laugh. If i've a bf i swear i would not bring him to shop with me or watch me shop. Unless he need to get something from the same store or the store was big enough. Other than that I'll just ask him stand outside and wait. Girls please be considerate towards your bf as well, i believe they're embarrass to stay in a small ladies-wear store. It doesn't make them look cool, not cool. 2 - Whole clique block. Well another block, yes. It's really irritating when in a group of friends, only one person were looking at the clothes and the other friends was just there giving opinions. WHOLE BUNCH OKAY, STICKING THEIR BODY INFRONT OF THE RACK OF CLOTHES. I've got nothing to say if they moved to a side but NO. Even tho i kept "shaking" the clothes over there BUT THEY DOESN'T MOVE. FUUUUUUUUU this is why i'd prefer shopping alone. Even if I'm shopping with my group of friends, they'll have a sense of awareness to wait for me outside if the store is small and there's nothing they wanted. Not like them, one shirt need to ask ALL of their opinion. Shopper To friend A "Is this nice?!?!" To friend B "Does this suits me?!?!" To friend C "Will i fit in??? Do i fit this??" Friend C "I think it does... friend D what do you think?" Friend D" hmmm maybe?" Shopper "Ahhhh i don't know!! What do you all think?" IT START ALL OVER AGAIN. JUST BUY IT AND GO TO THE TOILET TRY IF CAN'T FIT YOU THEN CHANGE ANOTHER SIZE OR DESIGN WHAT'S SO HARD ABOUT THAT THAT YOU'VE TO ASK 1269239290 OF YOUR FRIENDS PER QUESTION?!?!!!! ![]() And i'm just standing down there waiting for snow...................................... 3- This time is family's block. Not bf not friends but family. oh my to the god. This daughter came in the store, asked her mom "Mom, is this nice?" Mom" yes!" Then her dad walks in " Dad, is this nice?" Dad" yea~" Then her bro walks in "Is this nice?" Bro" --silence--" HELLO DAUGHTER is it that you doesn't trust your mom? That you have to ask everyone? And after you asked everyone, it doesn't convince you. She didn't buy........................
Next, she'll ask her whole neighborhood to line up outside the store and ask them one by one?!!
4- Self centered shoppers. Those who stood in the middle of the small alley despite the fact that it's already so crowded that one is hard to breathe. Especially some ahtiongs I'm sorry if i offended any one but it's true. They stood in the middle of a crowded road with their fellow tiongs speaking with the microphone planted in their throat. Same goes to those who stood infront of the store blocking the entrance i don't know for freaking what?! 5- Side eyes monsters. You know those people who walk towards with their face facing to the side? And when you are walking towards them, you have to stop and change lane because they won't stop, they continue to walk when they're facing the side. IT'S VERY IRRITATING. To deal of these people I'd like to try scaring them. When they're drawing close, go up infront of them and "BOOO!! fuckyou" I bet on all my assets that they'll get shocked and irritated hahahhahahha. ![]()
That pretty sums up my "great" shopping experience. On the other hand, I'm happy that I didn't went home empty handed but full handed. Bye!