![]() I'm not short, I'm just compact and ridiculously adorable. Born to be real, not perfect. Take these broken wings and learn to fly Instagram
![]() ![]() ![]() Kiss me hard before you go
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Levine Mohxy![]() Create Your Badge bygones
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Started the first of December crying.. Because of kim tan. Bad thing. ![]()
Every time he cried my heart sank. It felt like hundred of arrows pierce through my heart.. I don't know if it's because of his acting skills or it's him. Honestly, I'm in love with this guy again. Yes again. I loved and left him after some time because of junhyung. Now I couldn't say i'll leave junhyung for him again so let me put it this way, I'll love both of them. 一脚踏两船. After watching the heirs it's impossible not to love this guy, i can bet my life on it. So people who watch heirs, let's cry together.
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Of cos, choi yong do. He's actually a sweet guy who used an opposite way to get the girl he wants. And he always broke my heart, always. He's either alone or got friend zone by eunsang but nevertheless, he's there to protect her. Like a black knight. Sigh this kind of guy..... Really make my heartbreaks. I have no idea who to ship anymore... kimsang or yongsang. Kimlev or yonglev (HAHA WHAT *SLAP SELF*)
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Yep... This show require you to have a strong heart. I almost died but it's only 4 episodes left and I'm sure after it ended, I can barely live. Please let me end fangirling heirs by one of my favorite moment of kimsang.
Okay end of heirs back to reality. Sigh gonna work through out December since i didn't thought of having any plans. My real holiday starts on 1st Jan which is the first day of 2014. It's gonna be a great start because I'm heading to Taiwan again for a week getaway!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for it. And when i get back, a new term of school start again. Ah it's like a routine... When will the day come where something's gonna changed my life? I'm waiting. I know someday it will and hopefully it's a good one.
//have a great December everyone. Always be loved xx//