Capricorn baby, l e v i n e
I'm not short, I'm just compact and ridiculously adorable.
Born to be real, not perfect.
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
Kiss me hard before you go
Levine Mohxy
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bloop bloop bloop finally visited a place that I've been ranting of............................//SEA AQUARIUM// It's soo sooo sooooooo beautiful those colorful fishes and the sharks are jaw-dropping. My mouth was opened for the whole journey. Oh I've touched starfishes!!!!!!!!!!! Was really scared but managed to gathered up my courage as it's the first-time-of-my-life. It feels like touching a rough hand or wall. Their fishes are so fat so huge so (yummy) and the jelly fishes are cute!! The 360 typhoon show was so cool, it really make you feel seasick and when it drowns, it really drown. The whole thing where you're seating moved down to a lower floor. You guys should try that!! I didn't realize till Venus told me to look at the doors above us where we first came in. Fishes/sea creatures lavas this place is for you x} Here's some pictures!
Got extra excited when i saw this two hugeeeeeeee giraffe!!! Wanna carry it home ;__;