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Just finished a really really good drama that made me cried badly. It's Gu Family Book! Have you all watched it? If you guys didn't heard of it here's a picture of the drama: ![]()
Yep it's a modern days drama which is in the Joseon era where they always say: CHO NAAA (king) NA LIIIIII (My lord) Hahahahaha it's really interesting to watch how they spoke especially during the 12343948 years ago... Okay so this drama is about this guy name called Kang Chi (lee seung ki) was a half-human-half-mythical-creature (or human werefox half-breed), his father was a guardian spirit (werefox) of a mountain and his mother was a human which speaks very well of kangchi's half human half wolf body. His dad and mom had a very tragic love, those one have to die because human can't be in love with a beast and abandon their child because they can't take care of it you know those really tragic scene? ya. Logically every drama always have a bad guy, and this douche bag was so bastard that you would want to go inside and kill him seriously. Oh ya suzy was one of the lead too~ She's kangshi lava yeowool. They too, can't be together but not as tragic as kangchi parent's.
When I'm at the point of finishing this drama, i couldn't bare to click the last episode.. Because it's so nice that i don't wish it'll end... But still everything must come to an end :( This drama made my think alot..... If you know the future that your love (let's imagine okay) will die because of being together, will you still stay with that person or leave? And that person biggest fear is losing you... What will you do? But why must we be afraid of the future that who knows it might or might not go the way and not cherish what we have in the present? What if even you left that person and in the end he/she still die? The regret is bigger right.. At least you tried and have good memories till the end.
-Worrying won't stop the bad stuffs from happening but it just stops you from enjoying the good.-
So everyone, don't be afraid of the future or afraid to take risks. It might no be the way you think, who knows? It might be better than what you thought. Remember, the first step is always the scariest. After you took that first step, the rest won't be that scary anymore. Life is short, don't fill it with regrets and what ifs. JUST DO IT! What comes easy won't last & what last won't come easy.
the latest picture we had together which was 9 weeks ago ;____; do we look alike? Hahhahahaha i get that alot.