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Let me share my fancount of beautiful show sg for this three days n__n Day 1: Rushed to the airport straight after school, carrying so much heavy stuffs. The flight was supposed to be landed at 1:45pm. But it delayed and they landed at 2:30~ Finally, my boys came out! Stretched out my hand with junhyung's gift and kept screaming his name~ If i'm not wrong i saw him taking a small glance at me. Of cause, he didn't took my gift as the guards were there. They went in the van and i ran to mine to stalk~ Throughout the journey there wasn't any interaction as they closed the curtain. But i saw a member playing ipad at the back, junhyung was carrying ipad with him when he arrived so i guess it was him? Back to hotel, by the time i reached there junhyung was walking in so I'm depressed. When to the airport and fetch Shirley then to her house to unpack her stuffs and checked in the hotel that beast is staying woooot. Day 2: Headed to fangqi house to bathe and sleepover for only 4 hours T__T Went to q for merchandise early in the morning 6+am.. Managed to be the first few^^ Got our merch after so much suffering, went back home to bathe and down to expo for concert!! So excited to know I'm walking towards my dream ^__^ Concert started at 7:30pm? First song special~ Trying my best to let junhyung notice me with my bright board but he doesn't want to initially :( But after the help from fangqi he did~ He noticed me more when i put his towel over my head like a fool.. He saw my "I'm always be here for you" board and i saw his eye smile :") He opened up alot and gave so many fanservices after yoseob talked to him bout it. He even said "saranghamida" and did a heart shape for us. THANKYOU YOSEOB <3 The boys had so much fun especially junhyung, he laughed alot^^ But he gave the bouquet of roses which i scream so badly for to other fan.. That's really heartbreaking. concert ended really quickly :( Most disappointing was we couldn't stand at the fence infront during encore as we're in seated.. So i managed to squeeze in between the first row people and took some polaroid~ They went to have dinner at Todai. When I'm in daze, yoseob suddenly ran passed me with guards around I'm so shocked that I didn't follow but stand there.. Followed by gikwang and dongwoon. Back to hotel after that~ Felt hungry so we decided to buy mac at around 2am plus? This is where our miracle happened. We was walking back to our hotel after we got our food, me and my friend saw this club and joking around saying what if the members come here and drink especially junhyung etc. The next moment, my friend saw gikwang and then followed by dongwoon, junhyung and dujun. NO KIDDING OMG we ran over, junhyung was really happy and high. He was talking to one of the dancer or something and i kept waving right infront of his face and shouted " JUNHYUNG JUNHYUNG JUNHYUNG" He replied "annyeong^^" happily n__n kyya so cute.. I'm so happy to see how happy he was and this is like a miracle right.. They went to drink at zouk. At around 4am plus they came back, dujun seems really drunk~ Wanted to pass my gift to junhyung but the guards don't let me go over so i went to the other side where no fans was. I scretched my hand out, shouting junhyung junhyung again rofl he's in the lift.. So the guard helped me to pass :") I saw his turning to junhyung then the door closed. It opened again and i saw junhyung looking something on his hands.. Is it my gift? idk i hope so~ Day 3: They were said to go USS but something happened, either there were too much fans or they overslept or smth so they stay at their room the whole day till 6pm+ for their dinner. When junhyung walked out, he was hooking his shoulder on yoseob, talking to him so he ignored me when I was calling him T__T I'll took a very nice shot of junseob if my polaroid doesn't screwed up :"( i cried and ran to their van, hoping to see junhyung. But he was sitting at the middle and dujun was at the window side. So he saw me crying and stare at me.. I didn't know what to do but to stare back hopelessly. They came back again, this time, I'm contented :") I shine my board and shouted his name. He looked, smile and bow alittle. Managed to snap a good shot of him~ yeaappe hehe he's so adorable!! Day 4: It's the last day of their stay :"( Waited outside hotel for them. Really glad that junhyung took the first van as I was closer to that. I called him, he doesn't look and walk straight to the van. Of cause, i'm sad.. And i didn't took polaroid at him as i can see he's tired. So it's okay.. I understand. I've his fanservice that he hardly give so I couldn't ask for more.. They went in airport by cip and that's our last goodbye.. I miss him so much now that I'm on the verge to cry. I hope he remembers my board and those memories we had here. Thankyou beast for amazing beautiful show~ 030312 probably the best day of my life. Let me see you guys again at Thailand, hopefullyyyyyyyyyyy :( The tears, laughter, cheering, suffering, aching, sleepless night.. All those are so worth for my boys <3 yoon doojoon, jang hyunseung, yong junhyung, yang yoseob, lee kikwang, son dongwoon, so biseuteu!~ Labels: BEAST BEAUTIFUL SHOW SG |