![]() I'm not short, I'm just compact and ridiculously adorable. Born to be real, not perfect. Take these broken wings and learn to fly Instagram
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MOH XUAN YA, as an Advisor style, impresses most people with their outgoing charisma, warmth, and fun loving personality. Advisors possess a natural disposition for people and possess a casual kind of poise in most social situations. Many people will come to them because Advisors are seen as encouragers and instinctive communicators. MOH XUAN YA can be demonstrative, trusting others and showing clear emotions. Advisors will not attempt to force their ideas on others; they prefer to win people over and influence decision making by their ability to effectively communicate. Advisors tend to take criticism of work as a personal rejection rather than based on the quality of the work itself. Advisors take a very positive and optimistic approach in all they do and often put people needs ahead of tasks and deadlines for completing a project. Advisors want to feel part of a strong team cohesion and this bond can be a powerful motivator for achieving success. MOH XUAN YA prefers to deal with people on a personal, intimate basis in a low pressure and non antagonistic situation. Advisors desire for others to give them personal attention and value compliments for assignments done well. MOH XUAN YA loves to talk with and about people; they want social intimacy with everyone they meet. They are equally adept in mingling in a large social setting or in a one on one environment with close friends. Advisors may have difficulty being honest about their feelings if there is a fear that there will be devastating effects to a relationship, as relationships are extremely important to Advisors. While Advisors are very stable, they are also flexible and can fit into almost any environment. They are seen as neighborly and accepting of others. Once a bond is formed, MOH XUAN YA has no problem talking about personal subjects and extending trust. MOH XUAN YA is family oriented; working toward stability in these relationships. Advisors are persistent in working to accomplish the goals through teamwork and creating an enjoyable environment to get the job done. Advisors seek team recognition but also want their personal contributions noticed. MOH XUAN YA would prefer things stay the same rather than to risk a new venture (unless it is proven and true). This person is typically peaceful and low key and is usually seen by associates as a good friend and listener. MOH XUAN YA tends to adopt a "wait and see" attitude rather than taking charge of a situation, usually preferring to let others take the lead. An extremely outgoing and social person, MOH XUAN YA tends to make friends easily and likes to have fun with others. This person wants to make commitments even when unable to keep them. This comes from their strong desire to please, not because of any intent to deceive. MOH XUAN YA tends to be very spontaneous, easily becoming bored with routine tasks. MOH XUAN YA values close, personal relationships and will often put the needs and desires of those who are loyal friends ahead of his/her own. This is an even-paced individual who thrives in a peaceful, harmonious environment. MOH XUAN YA will work to avoid conflict and sudden changes in lifestyle and finds joy in keeping tradition. Not afraid to take a bold approach, MOH XUAN YA is willing to challenge the status quo. Original and creative, this individual acts with confidence when implementing new solutions. MOH XUANYA will tend to use a balance of intuition and facts when making decisions. Once they have madea decision, they will not be afraid to act upon it. |