Capricorn baby, l e v i n e
I'm not short, I'm just compact and ridiculously adorable.
Born to be real, not perfect.
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
Kiss me hard before you go
Levine Mohxy
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A new year, a new start.
Happy New Year everyone! It's already 2011, hard to believe that one year had just passed like that. 2010 was.. Awesome? Because I get to saw FT, Beast, Mblaq, 2PM, Ukiss, Infinite and had a great time with them. Fun events happened too like prom night, graduation night, N levels, stalking Beast and received Jun's "Hello", Christmas parties, my simple yet sweet 16th.. And many many more. I hope 2011 would be a more fruitful year. I shall put all my unhappiness, hate, regrets and incompleteness in the past and welcome this year with a whole new me. My life won't be the same anymore this year, I would be busy chasing my dreams, archiving my goals and making my family feel proud of myself. I'm ready for the challenge, failure during my road to dream, meeting different kind of bitches/bastards, CONCERTS!!, new friends, etc.
2011, I just want to be happy. Bye 2010, I would always remember those precious memories you gave me. Hi 2011 I'm ready for ya, be good to me.