Capricorn baby, l e v i n e
I'm not short, I'm just compact and ridiculously adorable.
Born to be real, not perfect.
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
Kiss me hard before you go
Levine Mohxy
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I'm better than them.
Today, I felt like the whole world is laughing, teasing, disgrace and burning all my pride away in one day. No matter how many people looks down on me, I know.. There are still some people who would stand by me and know I can do it right? I don't look down on myself, I won't let that happen. No one is perfect, so you doesn't have the right to say others imperfect. Laugh all you want, I won't bitch with you. Just hope that what comes around goes around. I won't kill you too, no matter how much i want to. Bcos I would be sentence, you think you worth that much? I know what I'm doing, I know what's right. So much thing that i wanted to curse, but the world is round. You guys are just jerks, what can i do? Let it be. Jerks are jerks, dogs are dogs, bastards are bastards, can't change the fact. In life, there are definitely people who pulled you down. This is where you learn, to be strong. No matter how, love yourself, hold your pride and always tell yourself: "I'm better than them".