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![]() ![]() ![]() Kiss me hard before you go
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shout out to my loves whom i miss so badly nowadays~ /random order/
i miss you, a l i c i a ♥
Are you going well with your boyfriend? Hehe i hope you guys are going smoothly and lovely~ I know there are many stuffs that you kept it inside instead of saying all out to us. But its okay :") As long as you need anyone, i'm here. See ya soon sis^^
i miss you, x i n y i ♥
yo aunty haha seems like you've been more busy with your work now compared to the previous one~ Rest well and don't fall sick^^ We're just one small road in between so feel free to talk downstairs! miss those times we're late and got stayed back in the detention room.. Hai.
i miss you, a u d r e y ♥
You this lady ah always so hard to meet out TT Still remember how we met? It started with "whats your house color?" And we're both the same so we got together hehe. I stlll found it amazing and curious why would a person bring towel as a sleeping bag to camp. YOU i almost freeze to death by sharing mine with you. Hahaha it's memorable tho~ See you soon ok u__u
i miss you, v e n u s ♥
You're having a confused mind nowadays and i'm sorry that i can't help :( We got to meet up and so i could really understand the whole situation^^ Your working days are so hard i can feel it.. Hai you got to be strong and persist all the way. Without giving in there's no returning, no pain no gain. Let's work hard together and look forward to our graduation day~ you can do it <3
i miss you, y e n w o o n ♥
Although we met the few days ago and I'm thankful that you're there to have dinner with me hehe. You know how great and happy i felt on the very first day we met ever since my attachment had started? You study hard and all the very best to you for your interview and attachment^^ Your life would be much more easier than ours ~.~
i miss you, a n d r e w ♥
ACORNNNN how are you? There's not much updates bout you are you that busy haha. It seems like~ I don't see any complains from you too you're doing well huh n__n May the rest of your months be smooth and fun! Meet up soon kkk^^ I miss your jokes and your dumb way of making us laugh.. I miss the feeling of killing you so badly because you're so irritating >< teehee.
i miss you, f e l i c i a ♥
WHERE ARE YOU i've no updates from you at all :( Heard from elise you're working with peiying at a Japanese pastry? Are you doing fine? It's been soooo long that i talk to you.. Ever since our attachment started we didn't talk to each other yet right.. Hai i really wanna meet you soon TT Get to me soon and takecare alright <3
i miss you, e l i s e ♥
even though we met almost everyday during work but we're mostly at a different place. Thank you for being there and eating meals with me, thankyou for listening to my rants, thankyou for buying me green tea today too <3 Let's work hard together^^ See you tomorrow hehe.
I miss you, j o l e n e ♥
ajjushi.. Seems like your mood were really down this fewdays and I'm wondering why. Probably you're too stress over studies? Take a break and don't always packed yourself with studies.. Fill in some free period for yourself too. Please have a healthy body and have your meals regularly because i know you've been skipping many meals nowadays urgh. See you soon on this Sunday <3
I miss you, i s a b e l l a ♥
You're someone that is really easy to get along with and will be enjoyable by your side therefore I'm not that worried for your attachment life. But just heard that you're having a hard life over there :( I really hope you would stay strong and persist all the way. I know it's hard but.. We can't do anything too. Don't give up, you're already halfway there! I miss your goofy jokes and looks so so so much.. And all those laughter you gave me.... I wanna see you soon <3
i miss you, g i n a ♥
GINO PIG hehe my camwhore partner during lessons~ Are you doing fine? We almost went in the same attachment place together but in the end we got in the different one.. Did you made new friends? Hehe I'm sure you will :) Take care of yourself and have plenty of rest. Meet up soon dd^^ i miss your laughter..
I miss you, f a n g q i ♥
CORN. Miss those time we stayed overnight, running around, staying out in late night, walking around. chasing in the van and especially bangkok days TT I have work, you have school and all these would only happened during our holidays. It seems like we're growing and some of those stuff we did for oppars became lesser and lesser.. I don't have to worried for your studies because i know you put your studies first before anything~ Study hard and takecare, see you soon <3 Please be fine..
/and those days that i miss../
Ice skating outing with hoppies (i miss you all so much too TT)
zoo outing with PA 5111.
Those days with sir alvin~
"We are.. I-ASIAN!"
Those fun times during practical..
hoppies class chalet..
Spending CNY with family going around relative houses $__$
Camwhoring during break time/waiting for lecturers..
Bunnies ^~^
First girls chalet <3
USS with pa 5111 pals..
The five magicians that build Fairyland.
18 yrs old looks failed day. Our very first camerazone game^^
Prom night'10
Lessons in av room or whatever you call that (i actually forgotten what it's called :x)
Every PE/S&W lessons..
Sometimes i blamed myself for not cherishing every schooling moment and now I've been working and see how much i wanted to go back school and study? So much.. Sigh that's the end of my shoutout~ People above please be honored because I'm missing you n--n have a goodnight everyone ♥
Labels: #friends, #love, #mygirls #chalet #misses, #sad, #vacation #family #school #family, #work |