Capricorn baby, l e v i n e
I'm not short, I'm just compact and ridiculously adorable.
Born to be real, not perfect.
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
Kiss me hard before you go
Levine Mohxy
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Byebye SHINee Baby.
Yo, I've finished watching SHINee Hello Baby. I teared at the last part, damn touching. I learned that, Onew was a guy which didn't dare to have too much interact with children but would enjoy and have fun spending time with them while time passes. Key love children very much and he is a perfect loving dad plus mom. Jonghyun love to have a lot of skin ship with children and is a romantic and sweet dad who know to cherish memories well, "Is this the reality you guys wanted?". Taemin would be growing up with his child instead of letting his child grow. I think he learned and gain a lot through this program. Minho is a good daddy who would always be there with his child and wanted him to be a good person when he grow up. Can't wait to watch the special next week! :O